The summer has officially ended! I can’t believe how fast time has flown. I’m sure being so busy has a lot to do with it. If I hadn’t taken my annual week-ish trip to Europe to [...]
I led the Habitat for Humanity event in Peabody, MA yesterday morning. I’m involved with Boston Volunteers, a non profit which organizes tons of volunteer opportunities throughout greater [...]
I usually don’t write anything whiny or complaining or negative (unless I’m reviewing a service/venue etc) but this time, I am going to break my rule. I am going to keep the personal [...]
Lion Goldmaster was released on Monday, as well as iOS 5 beta 3. Since then, Chris and I have been in a 24/7 Geekfest, downloading and updating, like, everything. We worked by the pool the first [...]
Tonight is the big night! My 30th Birthday party! My birthday is really July 15th, but for scheduling conflicts, I am celebrating tonight. Of course, those who know me know that I celebrate all [...]
So I got my xRays from my podiatrist and I CLEARLY have a sharkfin looking spur on the top of my bone. And a bunion, which I kinda knew already. So we set the date for surgery for June 27th. My [...]
Starting my big fitness challenge has been…well…challenging. My mom left to go back home, which has allowed me to re-adapt to my normal lifestyle a bit. This weekend, however, I am at [...]
So today I had a great breakfast conversation at the office with the “yoga ladies” who are also regulars. We all go to the same gym, but I know them from the office. Anyway, I had [...]