Almost an attorney as malpractice claims rise [infographic] @lexisnexis @lexisnexisMH @LNLawSchool @ABAesq

As I prepare to become a practicing attorney, I’ve been running around planning and plotting what my next step will entail. I have a few options but no matter what I do, if I am going to practice law, I need to get malpractice insurance.

For some stupid reason, I thought we would get some packet or goody bag with details about malpractice insurance options and next steps etc. Kind of like orientation at school, where you get a bunch of useless crap, except for one little thing that’s useful like a highlighter or something. I don’t know why I thought we would get a goody bag – it seems so silly now. Why would an institution that uses scare tactics to teach you how to teach yourself the law supply you with any kind of useful info just to make it a little easier to start practicing? But I digress.

So while I have been thinking about searching for malpractice insurance, LexisNexis posted this infographic about malpractice claims. According to the American Bar Association (ABA), malpractice claims are on the rise. Great. Because I have nothing else to worry about, such as actually earning an income.

At least it’s fun to look at because it’s an infographic. Thank you, LexisNexis.


See the full article and infographic from LexisNexis here.

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